GRP Enclosures &
Water Treatment Facilities
Demanding applications require robust heaters that will not fail. When asked to provide frost protection or comfort heat in a damp or corrosive environment we always recommend our industrial finned tubular heaters.

A tubular heater with a built in thermostat providing frost protection in an unmanned control room
Industrial Tubular Heaters
SWD industrial tubular heaters are the ‘tough guys’ of the BN Thermic heater range. Available with outputs from 500W to 4kW, industrial tubular heaters consist of a ceramic core mounted in a welded stainless steel tube with stainless steel cooling fins. The robust terminal box is IP-rated and manufactured from glass fibre. Heaters are available with or without a built-in thermostat and all SWD industrial tubular heaters come with stainless steel brackets for wall or floor mounting.
Click to view our industrial tubular heater range.
Industrial Kiosks and Enclosures
Industrial kiosks and enclosures house important and vulnerable equipment which is often adversely affected by low temperatures and moisture. In this situation the choice of heater is critical. BN Thermic customers depend on reliable SWD industrial tubular heaters to perform reliably year after year.
For areas where personnel can access the heaters, optional safety guards are available.

Industrial tubular heaters are a fit and forget product designed for years of maintenance-free operation

The optional guards are always recommended when personnel have access to the heaters
Corrosive Environments
Installations such as chemical works and water treatment plants often require heaters that can withstand the presence of corrosive liquids and vapours. The SWD industrial tubular heater’s stainless steel and glass fibre construction means that it has a far greater resistance to corrosion than standard industrial heaters. The SWD’s IP66/67 rating also allows heaters to be installed in areas requiring ‘hose down’ washing.
For hazardous areas, our ATEX tubular heater will be more suitable.
In Stock Now
BN Thermic keeps plenty of industrial tubular heaters in stock available on a next-day delivery via your local electrical wholesaler.
Please call the engineers at BN Thermic for assistance with your next industrial heating project.

BN Thermic can assist with heating scheme designs for any industrial project
Industrial Kiosks FAQs
Are standard panel heaters suitable for industrial kiosks?
It is certainly true that a commercial panel heater or a group of panel heaters can provide the necessary kW output to maintain the required temperature in an industrial kiosk or GRP enclosure. However, we would never recommend commercial-grade heaters for this application.
Heaters in industrial kiosks often play a significant role in ensuring the performance of vital and valuable equipment. This is why BN Thermic recommends industrial finned tubular heaters.
These heaters are manufactured to the very highest standard and individually tested. They are designed for 24/7 operation and are physically robust with a stainless steel construction. In addition, they are IP66 rated making them both water and dust resistant.
How can I control a heater in an industrial kiosk?
BN Thermic’s SWD range of industrial finned tubular heaters is widely used in industrial kiosks and GRP enclosures. Accurate temperature control is vital and this can either be provided by selecting a heater with a built-in thermostat or by using a remote-mounted device such as the PROSTAT3.
For a more flexible approach, a thermostat such as the PROSTSAT4 can be used. This thermostat has two adjustable settings; a low (default) setting (perhaps 5°C) and a high setting (perhaps 15°C). The high setting can be selected for a pre-programmed period by pressing a button on the thermostat’s front panel. Once the pre-programmed period has elapsed, the thermostat will revert to the low setting. This type of control can be useful when there is an occasional need for people to work in an enclosure.
Water Treatment Plants FAQs
My water treatment plant heaters continuously fail – what can I do?
Standard industrial and commercial heaters are generally manufactured from mild steel which is protected by powder-coated paint. In a corrosive environment, this approach is not satisfactory. Any breach of the paint finish will allow the corrosive agent to access the mild steel and corrosion will spread rapidly below the paint.
BN Thermic’s range of industrial finned tubular heaters, on the other hand, has been specifically designed for a corrosive environment. All exposed metal surfaces are stainless steel and the electrical terminal enclosure is manufactured from tough glass fibre.
I need to hose-down an area – will this damage my heater?
You need to make sure that your heater has the correct IP rating. BN Thermic’s industrial finned tubular heaters are rated IP66 and are therefore suitable for hose-down with high-pressure hoses.
Are industrial finned tubular heaters safe for personnel working nearby?
The surface temperature of a BN Thermic industrial finned tubular heater can reach 240°C. Therefore we always recommend that the heater is protected by a wire guard if personnel will be working nearby. BN Thermic carry stock of both heaters and guards.